Address: 100 St. George Street, 4th Floor Sidney Smith Hall Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
Website: http://home.psych.utoronto.ca/
School Description:
The University of Toronto, founded in 1827, is one of the oldest universities in Canada and one of the world’s leading research centres.
The scientific study of psychology has a long and illustrious history at the University of Toronto, beginning with J. Mark Baldwin’s founding of the tenth psychology laboratory in North America in 1891. Psychology gained department status at the University’s St. George campus in 1927, and was later expanded with the addition of the Scarborough (1964) andMississauga (1966) campuses. The three campuses offer independent undergraduate programs but a common, integrated graduate program.
Presently, there are more than 60 full-time and 20 cross-appointed faculty at the three campuses, with many of the latter based at affiliated hospitals and research institutes. The combined expertise of our faculty spans all major areas of psychology and reflects a wide range of approaches to the study of mind, brain, and behaviour.
With a diverse and internationally recognized faculty, first-rate laboratory facilities, and a tradition of cutting-edge, collaborative research in an inspiring intellectual atmosphere, the department has for over a century been a top choice for those pursuing a career in psychological research.
Learn more about the history of psychology at the University of Toronto by visiting our Museum.
Undergraduate Program Description
At the University of Toronto, psychology is a science that focuses on the behaviour of people and animals with particular emphasis on the individual rather than the group. Studying psychology at the undergraduate level will introduce you to the fundamental principles of psychology, the various fields within psychology, and the methods used in psychological research.
We welcome you to the undergraduate pages of the Psychology Department website and invite you to browse these pages to learn more about our programs, our courses, and more.
Graduate Program Description
Welcome to the University of Toronto’s Psychology Graduate Program website. Our tri-campus graduate program enjoys a world-wide reputation for excellence in research and graduate education. The Department’s full-time faculty and cross-appointed faculty are internationally recognized for their scholarship, with areas of expertise that cover all of the major areas of research in psychology.