Address: Department of Psychology P. O. Box 3050 University of Victoria Victoria, British Columbia Canada, V8W 3P5
Website: http://web.uvic.ca/psyc/
School Description:
About us
Psychology, the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes, addresses fascinating questions that lie at the heart of human life experiences. UVic’s Psychology Department is home to award-winning teachers and world-class researchers working in state-of-the-art facilities.
Psychology programs and research
We offer undergraduate programs leading to Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor Science degrees and Master’s and PhD degrees at the graduate level. Students are key contributors to our vibrant research community, providing assistance in researchlaboratories and working together with faculty members to plan and execute experiments. Psychology is an exciting branch of science where new discoveries help shape our world in positive ways.
Explore our site and learn what Psychology has to offer.
Undergraduate Program Description
Introductory Psychology classes
Our undergraduate program offers a broad range of courses that address the fascinating subject matter of psychology. Introductory courses (PSYC 100A and 100B) give an overview of the many topics that comprise the field of psychology and offer opportunity to participate in research projects happening in our department. The introductory courses are pre-requisites for other courses within the department. These are popular electives for students from many fields of study and form the foundation for majors and honours degrees in psychology.
Advanced psychology classes
As you move beyond PSYC 100A and 100B, you can delve more deeply into the topics that caught your interest in those introductory courses. Some undergraduate majors complete their degree and then advance to graduate school in psychology or to advanced education in fields such as medicine or law; other students springboard from their Bachelor’s degree directly to the workforce.
Graduate Program Description
Graduate students in our department enjoy an intellectually-stimulating, supportive learning environment. Graduate training is organized in six broad training areas: clinical psychology, cognition and brain science, experimental neuropsychology, individualized programs, lifespan development, social psychology. A strong research orientation encompasses all areas of graduate study, and continuous involvement in research is a defining feature of the UVic Psychology graduate student experience. An empirical thesis and an empirical dissertation are required for students earning MSc and PhD degrees in our graduate programs. Our programs develop scientists who can capably advance knowledge through research and/or practitioners who possess research skills sufficient to design and implement treatment or program evaluations.