Address: Department of Psychology University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1
Website: http://www.uoguelph.ca/psychology/
School Description:
Undergraduate Program Description
STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGYIn Psychology, you will study behaviour and cognition and explore the ways individuals act as individuals and in groups. The actual subject matter of the discipline of Psychology is extraordinarily diverse, embracing a wealth of basic research problems and practical issues. At the University of Guelph, the study of Psychology as a discipline includes the opportunities provided through Undergraduate Degree Credit courses and dozens of various Undergraduate Degree Program options that are the responsibility of the Psychology Department. |
DEGREE PROGRAMS AND UNDERGRADUATE CALENDARUndergraduate students can obtain a BA or BSc degree with major or minor focus in Psychology. Information about specific degree programs is available on-line in the current Undergraduate Calendar. The Calendar includes sections on The Schedule of Dates, Admission Information, Fees, Degree Regulations and Procedures, Course Descriptions, Degree Programs and specialization Schedules of Study. |
UNDERGRADUATE SECRETARIESEnquiries and comments can be directed to the Undergraduate Secretaries <psyUGsec@psy.uoguelph.ca>. Assuming your inquiry goes beyond the information already provided by the University of Guelph’s Undergraduate Calendar, one of the undergraduate advisors in the department, or one of the Secretaries directly, will contact you via email as soon as possible. If you are on campus, you will also find a list of our undergraduate advisors posted on the 4th floor of the MacKinnon Extension, on the bulletin board as you come down the hall to the left of the elevator. The directory on the fourth floor will also list the name and number of the Chair’s office if you need to contact them directly. |
CURRENT STUDENTSResources for Undergraduate Students contains links to pages with Course Outlines and Timetables, Grades, the Experimental Planner, Course Waiver and Honour’s Thesis application forms, and information about Student Responsibilities. |
ADDITIONAL RESOURCESCo-operative Education & Career Services Take advantage of job postings, career advising, further education planning, workshops, job fairs, employer information sessions, and much more |
Graduate Program Description
GRADUATE STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGYThe Department of Psychology offers two graduate programs. The first is a Masters degree in four areas of study: Applied Social Psychology (MA), Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis (MA), Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MA), and Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science (MSc). The second program is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the same four areas of study. These areas of study provide training in both research and professional skills, as well as a firm grounding in theory and research in relevant content areas.
AREAS OF STUDYBelow you’ll find links to each of the different areas of study within the MA and PhD Programs. Questions about the specificPrograms can be directed to the appropriate faculty member listed below.