Address: 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Website: http://psych.ucalgary.ca/graduate-program
School Description:
Our university is a young and vibrant campus community geared toward providing you with a memorable university experience.
Undergraduate Program Description
What is Psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of brain and behaviour. Psychologists study the psychological, biological, and social bases of how we think, feel, and behave—and they use this knowledge to solve problems in the real world. As scientists, psychologists conduct research in many settings including universities, hospitals, government, schools, and corporations. As practitioners, psychologists apply the knowledge gained from research to solve personal, social, and practical problems.
Our Degree Programs
Our Bachelor of Arts (BA)/Bachelor of Arts Honours (BA Honours) degrees emphasize the social and cultural bases of behaviour. This degree is ideal for students with a strength and interest in the social sciences.
Our Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Honours) degrees emphasize the biological bases of behaviour and basic psychological mechanisms. This degree is ideal for students with a strength and interest in the natural sciences.
These and our other degree program options are described in more detail here.
Graduate Program Description
Program in Clinical Psychology
The goal of the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Calgary is to prepare students for careers as doctoral level professionals in applied, academic and research settings. The training we offer is based on the scientist-practitioner model and provides students with an integration of academic knowledge, research skills, and clinical training and experience. Read more…
Psychology Graduate Program: We offer graduate programs leading to both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in many areas of psychology, with specialized training in three research areas:
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Social and Theoretical Psychology