Address: University of Toronto 252 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M5S 1V6
Website: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/oise/Home/index.html
School Description:
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (Institut d’études pédagogiques de l’Ontario de l’Université de Toronto) is recognized around the world as a leader in initial and continuing teacher education, graduate programs in education and education research. OISE is the largest and most research-intensive faculty of education in Canada, and one of the largest in North America. Guided by our commitment to equity and social justice, and mindful of our special responsibility to lead, we will enhance our impact as we continue to shape how the world thinks and goes about education.
What We Do
It is universally accepted that education and learning are the keys to addressing the biggest challenges we face as a society, and are at the root of a prosperous, healthy and equitable future. Through international leadership in teacher education, continuing and professional learning, graduate studies in education, research in education, and an intensely practical understanding of the mechanisms by which people learn, OISE opens doors for individuals, communities and for society.
An intellectually rich and supportive community, guided by the highest standards of scholarship and a commitment to equity and social justice, we examine major issues in education, human development and professional practice considering: what they are now and what they might be. We answer the critical questions that are translated into actions and brought to life by the thousands of teachers, researchers, professionals, policy makers, leaders and influencers who are part of our community world-wide. To that end, we:
- Generate new knowledge through research
- Prepare academic and professional leaders in education, applied psychology, leadership and community development
- Provide ongoing professional learning opportunities
- Contribute to public debate and policy
- Improve teaching and learning in different contexts
- Work with communities and partner organizations in support of their goals
- Consult and conduct commissioned research consistent with our mission and vision
Undergraduate Program Description
Graduate Program Description
As one of the most research-intensive faculties of education in North-America, OISE is Canada’s leading centre for graduate studies in education that offers a wide range of academic and professional programs.
Our faculty represent the best and the brightest in their fields of teaching and research with wide-ranging interests and active research programs. Their contributions have shaped education systems around the world, and they are keen on engaging with you over the course of your graduate studies at OISE.
Thank you in advance for considering our graduate programs!