Address: 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 2J6
Website: http://www.msvu.ca/en/home/programsdepartments/faculties/artssciencegp/psychology/default.aspx
School Description:
We have a strong Psychology Department here at Mount Saint Vincent University. Our department is committed to a personalized education with easy access to faculty advising,opportunities to conduct and participate in psychology research projects and individualized honours supervision.
While the department’s specialty is Developmental Psychology, the research carried out here is, in fact, quite diverse. Some of the faculty research that is presently ongoing concerns eyewitness memory for emotional scenes; gaming and gambling behaviours; development of attention across the lifespan and individuals with attention deficit disorder; the associations among maternal and paternal emotional parenting styles, children’s regulation, and aggression, anxiety, and prosocial behaviour in childhood; the associations between meteorology (i.e., weather) and children’s emotions and behaviours; and the influence of social and religious control on human rule following behaviour.
Student research is also an important part of our program. Many of our students design and conduct original studies during their undergraduate years. Project topics of late include the effect of emotion on insight; jurors’ personality and criminal convictions; lie detection through instant messaging; predicting motivations to drink alcohol, and the impact of environmental awareness on consumer decisions, just to name a few.
Undergraduate Program Description
Admission RequirementsReview sections 2.1.4 Admission Requirements and 2.1.6 Additional Admission Requirements.
Students intending to major in psychology must consult with the departmental chairperson, so that a program can be planned in consultation with an advisor. A student may obtain a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in psychology. A Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology requires a 3.0 unit arts or professional studies minor and a Bachelor of Science degree requires a 3.0 unit science minor. Majors, honours degrees, a concentration and minor in psychology are offered. Potential majors are strongly advised to take MATH 2208 and 2209 as part of their first 5.0 units of study (see MATH 2208 for prerequisites). Selected courses are available via distance learning.
Majors – Arts & Science (20.0 Units)
Combined Major (20.0 Units)
Honours Degree – Arts & Science (20.0 Units)
Concentration (4.0 Units)
Minor (3.0 Units)
Psychology Core Program
A degree with a major in psychology requires completion of the psychology core program.
This core program consists of: | |
❏ | MATH 2208 and 2209 |
❏ | PSYC 1110 and 1120 (PSY 100 may be substituted) |
❏ | PSYC 2209, 2221, and 2222 |
❏ | PSYC 3307 or 3360 |
❏ | PSYC 3330 or 3331 |
❏ | 1.0 unit from PSYC 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2217, 2250, 3312, 3332 (Experimental stream) |
❏ | 1.0 unit from PSYC 2205, 3302, 3305, 3309, 3332, 3370, 4407, 4410 (Applied stream) |
❏ | 1.0 unit from PSYC 2208, 2265, 2267, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3365 (Social/Personality stream) |
❏ | Note: the requirement for the Developmental stream is met by PSYC 2221 and 2222. Other developmental stream courses include 3310, 3311, 3313, 3317, 3319, 4410 |
The degree with a major is intended for those students with a clearly focused interest who wish to gain knowledge in depth of a single discipline.
Students intending to complete the major degree must declare their intention to do so before they register for their sixth unit of coursework. Students who do not make this declaration within this time frame will not be permitted to register for further coursework.
Bachelor of Arts – Psychology
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements: | |
❏ | a minimum of 8.0 and a maximum of 10.0 units in the major as follows: ❏ complete the Psychology Core Program ❏ 1.5 additional units of PSYC ❏ a further 2.0 units of PSYC may be included ❏ 3.0 units of PSYC must be at the 3000 level or above: (PSYC 3307 and 3330 or 3331, and at least 2.0 additional units) ❏ a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in the required 8.0 units of PSYC |
❏ | 1.0 unit of ENGL (WRIT 1120 accepted) |
❏ | a minor consisting of 3.0 units in an Arts or Professional Studies discipline as specified by the department offering the minor. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units |
❏ | students may choose a second 3.0 unit minor in any area that offers a minor |
❏ | 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the major): ❏ Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit) (Note: Core A is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209) ❏ Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit) ❏ Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit) (Note: Core C is fulfilled by the 1.0 unit of ENGL) |
❏ | at least 9.0 units must be at the 2000 level or above |
❏ | Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives. |
Special Studies Students may count a maximum of 4.0 units of directed/independent/research studies courses towards the degree, with no more than 2.0 units in any single discipline. |
Bachelor of Science – Psychology
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements: | |
❏ | a minimum of 8.0 and a maximum of 10.0 units in the major as follows: ❏ complete the Psychology Core Program ❏ 1.5 additional units of PSYC ❏ a further 2.0 units of PSYC may be included ❏ 3.0 units of PSYC must be at the 3000 level or above: (PSYC 3307 and 3330 or 3331, and at least 2.0 additional units) ❏ a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in the required 8.0 units |
❏ | 1.0 unit of ENGL (WRIT 1120 accepted) |
❏ | a minor consisting of 3.0 units in a science field (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and designated Applied Human Nutrition courses) as specified by the department offering the minor. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units |
❏ | students may choose a second 3.0 unit minor in any area that offers a minor or up to 2.5 additional units of arts or science electives |
❏ | 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the major): ❏ Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit) (Note: Core A is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209) ❏ Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit) ❏ Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit) (Note: Core C is fulfilled by the 1.0 unit of ENGL) |
❏ | at least 9.0 units must be at the 2000 level or above |
❏ | Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives. |
Special Studies Students may count a maximum of 4.0 units of directed/independent/research studies courses towards the degree, with no more than 2.0 units in any single discipline. |
Major Certificate
Students who have graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University with a Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) or Bachelor of Science (General Studies) degree may apply to do a major certificate. Students must fulfill the requirements for the major degree listed above.
Combined Major (20.0 Units)The combined major degree is intended for those students who wish to gain in-depth knowledge of two disciplines. Students must declare a major or combined major before registering for their sixth unit of coursework. Students who do not make this declaration within this time frame will not be permitted to register for further coursework.
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units. In order to complete a combined major in Psychology, the following requirements must be met: | |
❏ | a minimum of 6.0 units and a maximum of 8.0 units in the Psychology combined major as follows: ❏ PSYC 1110, 1120, 2209, 2221, and 2222 ❏ PSYC 3307 or 3360 ❏ 0.5 unit chosen from PSYC 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2217, 2250, 3312, 3332 (Experimental stream) ❏ 0.5 unit chosen from PSYC 2205, 3302, 3305, 3309, 3332, 3370, 4407, 4410 (Applied stream) ❏ 0.5 unit chosen from PSYC 2208, 2265, 2267, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3365 (Social/Personality stream) ❏ Note: the requirement for the Developmental stream is met by PSYC 2221 and 2222. Other developmental stream courses include 3310, 3311, 3313, 3317, 3319, 4410 ❏ 0.5 unit chosen from PSYC 3330, 3331, 4405, 4406 (or another 4000 level psychology seminar course) ❏ an additional 1.0 unit of PSYC at the 3000 level or above |
❏ | a second combined major specified by another program (Biology, Canadian Studies, Chemistry, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, Family Studies, French, Gerontology, History, Mathematics, Political Studies, Sociology/Anthropology, Women’s Studies) |
❏ | a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in the required 6.0 units of each combined major |
❏ | at least 5.0 units of the 12.0 units required for the combined majors must be at the 3000 level or above |
❏ | 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (inclusive of the major): ❏ Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit) (Note: Core A requirement is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209, which are prerequisites for PSYC 2209) ❏ Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit) ❏ Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit) |
❏ | at least 9.0 units of the total 20.0 units must be at the 2000 level or above |
❏ | Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives. |
Students wishing to combine an arts major and a science major (e.g. Chemistry and English or Biology and Political Studies):
❏ must meet all of the requirements listed above
♦ to complete a BSc (Combined Major) primary science discipline plus secondary arts discipline
❏ must complete a minimum 12.0 units of the total 20.0 units in science disciplines
♦ to complete a BA (Combined Major) primary arts discipline plus secondary science discipline
❏ must complete a minimum 12.0 units of the total 20.0 units in arts disciplines
Honours Degree (20.0 Units)
Students wishing to do an honours degree must make written application through the departmental chairperson. Typically, application would be made after successful completion of 15 university credits. Minimum requirements for honours program application are a grade of at least B+ in PSYC 3312, a GPA of at least 3.0 in psychology courses, and the agreement of a faculty member to supervise the thesis. Admission to honours, however, is subject to department approval.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) – Psychology
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements: | |
❏ | a minimum of 10.0 and a maximum of 12.0 units in the honours subject as follows; ❏ PSYC 1110 and 1120 (PSY 100 may be substituted) ❏ PSYC 2209, 2217, 2221, 2222, 3312, 3332, 3370, and 4499 ❏ PSYC 3307 or 3360 ❏ PSYC 4405 or 4406 ❏ 0.5 unit from PSYC 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2250 ❏ 1.0 unit from PSYC 2205, 3302, 3305, 3309, 4407, 4410 ❏ 1.0 unit from PSYC 2208, 2265, 2267, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3365 ❏ Note: the requirement for the Developmental stream is met by PSYC 2221 and 2222. Other developmental stream courses include 3310, 3311, 3313, 3317, 3319, 4410 ❏ 1.0 additional unit of PSYC ❏ a further 2.0 units of PSYC may be included ❏ overall, 3.5 units of PSYC must be at the 3000 level or above |
❏ | MATH 2208 and 2209 |
❏ | 1.0 unit of ENGL (WRIT 1120 accepted) |
❏ | a minor consisting of 3.0 units in an Arts or Professional Studies discipline as specified by the department offering the minor. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units |
❏ | 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the honours subject): ❏ Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit) (Note: Core A is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209) ❏ Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit) ❏ Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit) (Note: Core C is fulfilled by the 1.0 unit of ENGL) |
❏ | obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a grade of at least C- in 10.0 units of the required PSYC honours courses |
❏ | achieve a minimum of B- in the honours thesis |
❏ | obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken |
❏ | Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives. |
Note: First-class honours will be awarded to students who maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better in 10.0 units in the honours subject and no grade below B- in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken. |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) – Psychology
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements: | |
❏ | a minimum of 10.0 and a maximum of 12.0 units in the honours subject as follows; ❏ PSYC 1110 and 1120 (PSY 100 may be substituted) ❏ PSYC 2209, 2217, 2221, 2222, 3312, 3332, 3370, and 4499 ❏ PSYC 3307 or 3360 ❏ PSYC 4405 or 4406 ❏ 0.5 unit from PSYC 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2250 ❏ 1.0 unit from PSYC 2205, 3302, 3305, 3309, 4407, 4410 ❏ 1.0 unit from PSYC 2208, 2265, 2267, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3365 ❏ Note: the requirement for the Developmental stream is met by PSYC 2221 and 2222. Other developmental stream courses include 3310, 3311, 3313, 3317, 3319, 4410 ❏ 1.0 additional unit of PSYC ❏ a further 2.0 units of PSYC may be included ❏ overall, 3.5 units of PSYC must be at the 3000 level or above |
❏ | MATH 2208 and 2209 |
❏ | 1.0 unit of ENGL (WRIT 1120 accepted) |
❏ | a minor consisting of 3.0 units in a science field (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and designated Applied Human Nutrition courses) as specified by the department. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units |
❏ | 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the honours subject): ❏ Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit) (Note: Core A is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209) ❏ Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit) ❏ Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit) (Note: Core C is fulfilled by the 1.0 unit of ENGL) |
❏ | obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a grade of at least C- in 10.0 units of the required PSYC honours courses |
❏ | achieve a minimum of B- in the honours thesis |
❏ | obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken |
❏ | Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives. |
Note: First-class honours will be awarded to students who maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better in 10.0 units in the honours subject and no grade below B- in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken. |
Honours Certificate
Students who have graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science with a major in psychology may apply to the department chairperson to do an honours certificate. Students must fulfill the requirements for the honours degree listed above and meet the University regulations regarding honours certificates.
Concentration (4.0 Units)
To obtain a concentration in Psychology, students must fulfill the following requirements:
❏ PSYC 1110 and 1120
❏ 2.0 units of PSYC at the 2000 level or above
❏ 1.0 unit of PSYC at the 3000 level or above
Minor (3.0 Units)
To obtain a minor in Psychology, students must fulfill the following requirements:
❏ PSYC 1110 and 1120
❏ 2.0 addtional units of PSYC at the 2000 level or above