Address: Room 6-329, City Centre Campus 10700 – 104 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2
Website: http://www.macewan.ca/wcm/SchoolsFaculties/ArtsScience/Programs/BachelorofArts/Disciplines/Psychology/index.htm
School Description:
Why Study Psychology?
Why do people do what they do? This is the fundamental question that the discipline of psychology attempts to answer. The specific topics that psychologists study can be as diverse as forgiveness, eyewitness testimony, and human sexuality. Given such diversity, it is not surprising that psychology has become a popular field of study for many undergraduates.
At a basic level, psychology students come to understand and appreciate the many factors that influence and motivate human behaviour. Psychology students develop a number of valuable skill-sets, including the ability to formulate evidence-based arguments, critically evaluate research findings, and identify important ethical issues. Such skills are highly valued by employers in both the public and private sector.
Arts Degree or Science Degree?
Psychology is unique in that it is considered both an arts discipline (covering such topics as social psychology and personality) and a science discipline (covering such topics as visual perception and the neurological processes involved in memory formation). Students in both the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs at MacEwan are able to complete a major or minor in psychology. If you are interested in psychology you should look closely at each program to determine which degree will be best for you.
Of particular interest to BA students is the fact that we offer several courses in the area of clinical psychology and assessment. The Field Placement in Clinical Psychology provides an opportunity for students to gain relevant practical experience in a mental health setting.
Honours in Psychology
In the Bachelor of Arts program we also offer an Honours degree in psychology. It provides students with the opportunity for more intensive training in the discipline than can normally be achieved in the majors program. It is a rigorous program with high standards, and is suitable for students with a high level of academic achievement and potential. It culminates in a full-year course in which the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, conducts an empirical research project, resulting in an honours thesis and formal presentation of research findings.
Undergraduate Program Description
Planning your BA (Honours) in Psychology
You can apply to the Honours psychology program after you have completed a minimum of 45 credits (including at least six credits in senior-level psychology courses). Normally, students will apply to the Honours program at the end of their second year, and will be expected to have already completed a number of their 200-level course requirements. We recommend that students complete PSYC 212 prior to applying to the Honours program.
You must have declared psychology as your major prior to applying to the Honours program. You will also declare a minor at this time, but if you are selected for the Honours program, you will not complete a minor.
You must have completed at least 24 credits in the past 12 months and you must have a cumulative program GPA of 3.0 (all courses) and a minimum GPA of 3.3 calculated on your senior-level psychology courses (above the 100 level). You should be aware that these averages must be maintained each year in order to remain within the Honours program.
You should contact the Honours Advisor regarding the requirements of the Honours degree, and to discuss your eligibility for the program.
The honours planning sheet and the BA Honours program planner can be found under Current Students.
Psychology majors at MacEwan also gain experience in the process of data analysis and interpretation, and in the use of statistical software that is commonly employed in both industry and government.
A B.Sc. in psychology is a popular option for students seeking admission into graduate programs in experimental psychology and neuroscience. It is also a popular route for students who want to apply to masters or PhD programs in audiology, law, medicine, optometry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and sports psychology.
Addictions Counsellor
Cognitive/Behavioural Therapist
Forensic Counsellor
Lab Technician
Research Assistant
Statistics Consultant
* Some occupations may require further training.