Address: PY-146 7141 Sherbrooke West Montreal, QC H4B 1R6
Website: http://www-psychology.concordia.ca/
School Description:
Why study psychology at Concordia?
- Outstanding faculty – Innovative research (link to research groups)
- Small classes, dynamic teaching
- 4 research centres, 40 laboratories, 100’s of opportunities for hands-on experience
At Concordia students discover how the science of psychology gives us a better understanding of human nature. We offer a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses and programs that lead to careers in the health professions, education, business and science. Our graduate research program offers training in cutting edge techniques in some of the best laboratories in the world. Research at Concordia includes:
- Clinical and health psychology – CCRH
- Behavioral neurobiology and addiction – CSBN
- Child and adult development – CRDH
- Language, bilingualism and visual perception – CSLP, Cognitive, Vision
Our graduate clinical program ranks among the best in Canada and is accredited by both the American andCanadian Psychological associations and the Ordre des psychologues du Québec.
Undergraduate Program Description
The Department of Psychology offers program leading to either a B.A. or B.Sc. degree in Psychology. Students may follow a Major, Specialization or Honours sequence, and a 24 credit minor in Psychology is offered for students registered in other departments. Students may also follow a B.Sc. Specialization or Honours Program in Psychology with a Behavioural Neuroscience option. In addition, Psychology courses are an integral part of a number of other programs within the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Graduate Program Description
Our graduate program offers studies in both basic and applied psychology leading to the Ph.D. degree. At the beginning of graduate studies in psychology, students are admitted to the master’s program, either the research option or the research andclinical training option. Both options have the same research requirements, which include completion of a master’s thesis. The clinical training option also includes training in the delivery of professional services (through the Certificate in Clinical Psychology). Students who successfully complete a Master’s degree are expected to continue in the program toward a Ph.D. degree. The doctoral program provides advanced research training, culminating in the Ph.D. thesis for all students, and advanced clinical training for those following the Clinical Profile. The clinical training program is accredited by both the Canadian and American Psychological Associations and by the Ordre des psychologues du Québec.
Our accredited Clinical Training Option provides information on Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data.
Accreditation Panel of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
141 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J3
telephone: 1-888-472-0657 or (613) 237-2144
web: http://www.cpa.ca
Commission on Accreditation
c/o Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation- Education Directorate
American Psychological Association (APA)
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002-4242
telephone: 1-800-374-2721 or (202) 336-5979
web: http://www.apa.org
Office of Accreditation
Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (OPQ)
1100 Beaumont avenue, suite 510
Mont-Royal, Québec H3P 3H5
telephone: 514-738-1881 or 1-800-363-2644
web: http://www.ordrepsy.qc.ca/en/