Address: 270 - 18th Street • Brandon, Manitoba, Canada • R7A 6A9
Website: http://www.brandonu.ca/psychology/
School Description:
Psychology is one of the largest departments at Brandon University and serves a large percentage of the student body. Each faculty member specializes in a particular area of psychology both for teaching and research purposes. A wide variety of psychology courses are available at Brandon University. These courses represent major topics that psychologists consider important to understand behavior. You may select areas of study that offer opportunities to carry out laboratory or field research under the supervision of a faculty member.
Graduates of organizational psychology courses often proceed to business schools in Masters of Business Administration programs. Graduates with a BA or BSc degree find employment with social service agencies or choose to continue their education in graduate or professional school.
Special Features
Graduates who choose a career in academic psychology have a wide variety of paths to consider. Research into human social behavior and personality, child development, life span psychology, brain and behavior, and all other areas provide numerous and fascinating challenges.
Psychology, like other sciences, has become dependent on the use of computer technology for the study of behavior, artificial intelligence, and brain processes, so that students who are interested in computer applications will find many demands for their skills.
Since psychological principles operate anywhere there are people, an understanding of these principles helps you make sense of why people behave as they do and, most importantly, how people learn.
Undergraduate Program Description
The Department of Psychology offers a 3-Year B.A. and B.Sc. program, 4-Year B.A. and B.Sc. program, and 4-Year B.A. (Honours)
and B.Sc. (Honours) program. Students considering a major or minor in Psychology are asked to note the requirements which
Specific degree regulations are outlined on page 45.
Students who anticipate entering the 4-Year Honours program must notify the Department by December 15 of the year prior to
entering the Fourth Year. Applications received after this date will be considered if space is available.
A minimum g.p.a. of 3.0 in the best 48 credit hours in the Psychology Honours Major is required for the 4-Year Honours degree.
B.A. route: Students considering a major in Psychology in the 4-Year B.A. (Honours) degree are required to take 82:160, 161, 250,
251, 387, 388, 449, and 450 plus a minimum of 21 additional credit hours with at least 12 credit hours at the 300 or 400 level
with 6 credit hours minimum at the 400 level.
B.Sc. route: Students considering a major in Psychology in the 4-Year B.Sc. (Honours) degree require courses 82:160, 161, 250,
251, 449 and 450 plus at least 27 additional credit hours in Psychology, of which at least 15 credit hours are chosen from the
courses 82:387, 388, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468 and 469.
Specific degree regulations are outlined on page 44.
B.A. route: Students considering a major in Psychology in the 4-Year B.A. degree are required to complete a minimum of 48 credit
hours of Psychology including 82:160, 161, 250, 251, 387, 388 plus a minimum of 30 additional credit hours of which at least
18 are at the 300 or 400 level with 6 credit hours minimum at the 400 level.
B.Sc. route: Students considering a major in Psychology in the 4-Year B.Sc. degree are required to complete a minimum of 48
credit hours of Psychology including courses 82:160, 161, 250, and 251. At least 15 of the remaining 36 credit hours must be
chosen from 82:387, 388, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468 and 469.
B.A. route: Students considering a major in Psychology in the 3-Year B.A. degree are required to take courses 82:160, 161,
250,251 plus a minimum of 18 additional credit hours of which at least 12 credit hours are at the 300 or 400 level.
B.Sc. route: Students considering a major in Psychology in the 3-Year B.Sc. degree are required to complete courses 82:160,
161,250, and 251 plus at least 18 additional credit hours in Psychology of which at least 9 credit hours are to be chosen from 82:387,
388, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468 and 469.
A minor in Psychology in a four year program requires 82:160, 82:161 plus at least 12 additional credit hours in Psychology.
A minor in Psychology in a three year program requires 82:160, 82:161 plus at least 9 additional credit hours in Psychology.